Saturday, May 30, 2020

?? How To Follow Up After Job Interviews With Great Follow-ups

?? How To Follow Up After Job Interviews With Great Follow-ups 304 Is it follow-up or follow up or followup? How you follow up after an interview is more important than you think. Photo by Helloquence This is a guest post by Carolyn K. You wouldn’t take a pretty girl on one date and expect her to do all the work of getting in touch with you for a second date, would you? I don’t care how charming you are. That’s a recipe for a lonely night. The same line of thinking applies to job hunting. If you walked out the door of your job interview and thought that was the end of it, think again.eval The follow-up is an oft-misunderstood art form. Too often a job is lost because a well-qualified applicant displays no more interest in the job as soon as the door to the HR office closes behind them.eval In your most recent job search, did you send any thank you letters? Yes No View Results Free bonus: The One Job Interview Resource You’ll Ever Need is a handy reference to help you prepare for any kind of job interview. Download it free now 5 tips to master the art of the job interview follow-up 1. Ask for a business card Do not leave the interviewer’s office without getting a business card. If the interviewer asks if you have any questions for him/her, make sure you ask for a business card. This will be crucial to the ensuing steps. 2. Send a follow up thank you email after interview When you get home from the interview, shoot off a follow-up email to the interviewer, thanking him or her for his time and expressing your interest in the job, again. This will show the interviewer that you’re serious about working with the company and will probably separate you from half the field of candidates who did not take time to take this action. 3. Then send a thank you letter You should also utilize snail mail to show the interviewer how serious you are. While emails and phone calls can come across as somewhat cold forms of communication, handwritten notes are warm. In your note, thank them for their time and address a few of the things you discussed in the interview. For instance, if the interviewer mentioned that the company is looking for goal-oriented people to take on a new project, mention how you have exercised and demonstrated your ability to achieve goals. Tailor the letter to the company you’re sending it to. 4. Call for a status check One week after the interview, call the interviewer’s office and ask about the status of the job search. If you can’t speak with the interviewer, leave a message on their phone. One week after that, send another follow up email to the interviewer basically asking the same thing. 5. Don't overdo it It is possible to come off as overly pushy. The fact is that the HR rep you talked to might be very busy with a lot of new hires. Do not cold call or email more than once in a week. Give them time to respond and when you’re on the phone with them, be courteous and do not simply ask, “Did I get the job?” The follow-up (call or email) is a great tool in the interviewing process. It can separate the winners from the losers in the hunt for employment, but it will only help if you do your initial homework on the company and properly prepare for the first interview. Finally- follow up: one word or two? Is it follow-up or follow up? According to Writing Expert Lynn Gaertner-Johnston, only when using the term as a verb is there NO hyphen e.g. “to follow up” is correct use. What others are saying How To: Follow Up After a Job Interview How To Master The Fine Art Of The Follow-Up Follow up, Follow-up, Followup Followup For Email How To Follow Up After A Job Interview â€" Interview Follow Up Email Template: Question of the article Which follow-up tactic has worked best for you? Tell us in the comments. About the Author Carolyn is a guest blogger who writes about the job market, LPN programs, and resume workshops. READ NEXT: How to Quickly Recover From Bad Job Interviews. Free Bonus If you want a handy job interview resource that you can keep on your smartphone or print out for easy reference, I’ve got a special bonus for you. This free download contains: 165 positive personality adjectives to describe yourself 444 of the most popular job interviewer questions to prepare yourself with 175 questions that you can ask in job interviews to make a good impression and learn about your future employer Click the image below to get access to The One Job Interview Resource You’ll Ever Need: JobMob Insiders can get this free bonus and other exclusive content in the JobMob Insider Bonuses area. Join now, it's free!

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