Tuesday, April 28, 2020

10 Guidelines to a Great Group Interview IM HIRED

10 Guidelines to a Great Group Interview 2 is company, 3 is a crowd and any more is a group interview 2 is company, 3 is a crowd and any more is a group interview With there being an average of 118 applications per job. It is becoming harder than ever for recruiters to get through the volume  of CVs and ensure no talent is missed. Especially when recruiting for more than one job role or employee. Therefore, group interviews have become a way to assess several applications at one time as well as measuring applicants ability to effectively work in a team. I must mention that panel interviews come under the umbrella of a group interviews  (an interview where several interviewers normally up to a maximum of 5, interview one applicant.) But for the sake of this blog we are only looking at interviews where a group of applicants are interviewed at the same time including assessment days. I am going to start off by saying dont panic. Group interviews can be the most enjoyable type of interview. Usually they are less one sided and give more of a chance to see the environment and best of all the personalities of those who currently work for the company. But you do need to prepare in a slightly different way then a 1-1 interview to be ready to stand out from the crowd (because in a group interview you literally are in a crowd!)   1)       Only you can do you; Be Yourself This is probably the most important statement for any type of interview and even more so in a group interview. The worst thing you can do in a group setting is to compare yourself or worse try to better another applicant. Basically, if they introduce themselves as a part time sky-diving enthusiast dont then jump in with your story of being a number 1 sky-diving champion. (1 because it probably isnt true, is it? and secondly although friendly competition is good, overshadowing others just looks petty.) Talk about what makes you unique. In a group interview it is essential  to highlight what makes you  distinctive. You want them to remember your  name when you leave not forget who you were. 2) Confidence; either a strength or fake it until you make it Nerves can get the better of anyone and in a group interview it is so easy to sit in the back and not speak. But no one is going to give you a job just for being present. You dont have to be jumping off the walls to be classed as confident. Everyones personality is different so dont try to be something you’re not. Give yourself a pep talk before the interview. Tell yourself why youre worth hiring and it will give you that self-confidence you need to believe in yourself for others to do the same. (However, never stand up shouting show me the money; you need to be a few levels lower than that on the confidence scale!) 3) Be a peacock and stand out If you have not heard of the term peacocking when dating it refers to wearing show stopping clothing and being over the top in every way so you stand out from the crowd. Lets start by saying I am not suggesting you go to the interview dressed in feathers and sequins. I am referring to put yourself out there and showcasing what makes you the best candidate for the job. Put yourself forward for activities and  dont shy away from the interview. 4) Leaders arent made, theyre born You may not have applied for a supervisory or management roles but the ability to leader a group is a trait  that is beneficial  in any role, showing you can take on additional responsibility. In most group interviews  there will be some sort of group task where you have to solve a problem as a team and work towards a common end goal. Finding out everyones  strengths to help delegate roles to the other members and being the focal point for support. You are just showing you can put yourself forward. 5) Its nice to be important but it is more important to be nice So Ive just told you to be a leader but dont be a leader that overpowers the whole group. Although, you want to get noticed dont do it at the determent of the other candidates. Though  you will get noticed it will be for  all the wrong reasons and youll lose someone else a chance at a job that  you wont even  get it yourself (its a lose, lose.) You need to show youre a team player who can work with several types of people including those with different opinions, so be diplomatic  and be the person in the middle who can bring together the other team members ideas and opinions. (although never easy in a relationship, in a group interview you must be willing to compromise) 6) Craft a Connection It is harder to gain a personal connections within a group setting but most group interviews will give an opportunity to have one to one time with the employer; so really make use of this time. However, forming a connection doesnt just mean with the recruiter/ employer, it is equally as important to do this with the other candidates. This will highlight how easily you can adapt in a new team and lets be honest if you form some sort of relationship with the other applicants it will take off some of the pressure and make it more of  an enjoyable experience. Especially if there is more than one role available; if successful any one of the other candidates could be your new colleague. We all like to see a friendly face on the first day at somewhere new. (and someone else who has no idea where to find the coffee!) 7) Expect the unexpected by being prepared Every one to one interview I have conducted has gone through a similar structure meaning it is so easy now a days to google questions or tips and advice on how to ace the interview. Now this is where group interviews get tricky as there is no set of rules to the format so you need to expect the unexpected. That means going for an administrator job and then finding out you need to create a house with just marshmallows  and straws in a group. Seems a little bit random and a useless activity right? Well not strictly true, it is there to highlight your problem solve skills, your communication and your ability to work as a collective. So if you are given a task that at first glance seems a bit bizarre then try and look for the meaning (dont worry  this isnt some  physiological  life question); youre figuring out what the recruiter actually wants from you so you can display those competencies. 8) Roll up your shelves and get stuck in It is a group interview after all so get stuck in and engaged in all the activities throughout the interview.   Show to the employer that you are willing to get involved and willing to face head on  any task or challenge given to you. Be vocal throughout the interview and show that you are excited about this opportunity and do try to actually enjoy the experience. Make sure to ask questions throughout to bring yourself to the forefront but remember there is a group of people around you so dont ask questions about pay etc in front of the other candidates. (You need to be able to negotiate on your own) 9)   Knowledge  is power; power is knowledge A very, very true statement. Whether a group interview or a one to one then you are expected. Never go to an interview and say I thought you would tell me about the role. Yes, the interviewer should bring more depth to the specification but you should have already done that background research. (why would you go to interview with no information, how would you know how to prepare!) So put your Facebook stalking skills to use and start reading up on their website or social media. Check out my social media blog for more information on how to do this right;  Suit Up your Social Media  . 10) Look the part, be the part Now I have said this a few times but looking professional for an interview is key. But if they havent told you a dress code there isnt any harm asking. Dont be the one that turns up in jeans and everyone else is suited. Thats standing out for all the wrong reasons. Some employers are happy for employees and applicants to be casually dressed but dont assume. (You all know what assume stands for.) Dressing smartly shows you have made an effort. Be prepared by bringing your CV or portfolio or any other documents requested by the recruiter. Use these guidelines  to ensure you have a perfect performance in your next group interview. But always remember if you not sure what to expect in the interview then why not just ask? Whats the worst that could happen!

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